Situations Vacant
Situations Vacant
All roles within the Grantham Canal Society are volunteer roles
If you feel you have the skills to fulfil any of our vacancies – please email to find out more
Enquiring is not a commitment
In the first instance:
Chief Executive: Working with our Chairman and Management Team implementing strategy
Health and Safety Officer: Develop and implement H&S Policy
Marketing Manager: Develop and implement marketing strategy
Administration Manager: Working mainly from home, must be IT literate
Operations Manager: Coordinating workparties and construction teams
Events Team Lead: To head up events large and small. We have lots of willing helpers and those to help with publicity – needs someone to pull it together!
Project Managers: To manage construction projects both large and small
Archivist: To develop our digital and physical archive
Environmental and Ecology Advisor: Ideally someone with experience or knowledgeable amateur
Young Volunteers Coordinator: To explore ways of introducing young people in learning canal restoration skills

Play your part in one of Britain’s biggest restoration jobs!