Corporate Supporters

Sponsors, Funders & Corporate Supporters

Our volunteers work tirelessly(?) – give us the tools, materials and funding – and we’ll get the job done!

Your support is invaluable to us!


Greenfields are based in Cropwell Bishop and have assisted us with both practical clearance work and fundraising efforts.  This has included providing staff expertise, time and equipment to clear growth from the canal bed, and organising a sponsored walk to raise funds.  Greenfields Countryside Ltd – Countryside Management – UK based


The Canal and River Trust, predominant owners of the canal are supportive of the work we do.  They share our aim of returning the Grantham Canal to full navigation.  We work closely with them; the restoration of the Woolsthorpe Flight is a working partnership between the Grantham Canal Society and the Trust. 


John A. Stephens Ltd

The Grantham Canal Society and the Grantham Canal Partnership extends warm thanks for the continued support of John A. Stephens.

The East Midlands largest independent suppliers of  building and construction materials.



The Inland Waterways Association has been very supportive of the Grantham Canal Society and Partnership over many years.  The IWA provided a very substantial grant in 2010 which was crucial to the rescue of Lock 18 when the offside wall cracked and we were threatened with losing the use of the lock altogether.


HLF Small

The ‘Grantham Canal Heritage Initiative’ (GCHI) would not have been possible were it not for the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund.  This grant of £850,300 is currently (2015) enabling the restoration of more locks in the Woolsthorpe Flight.



The Big Lottery Fund; with their ‘Awards For All’, enabled us to set up our Canal Rangers Team.  This team continues to go from strength to strength – not only keeping the towpath clear of litter and dealing with issues, but also in forming links with the wider community.



South Kesteven District Council

We are grateful for continued support and encouragement from South Kesteven District Council.  SKDC own the section of the canal between the A1 and its terminus.  We have carried out work in collaboration with SKDC and received a grant from the Shared Prosperity Fund in 2024.


Rushcliffe Borough Council

We appreciate the support from Rushcliffe Borough Councillors that we have received.



The restoration of the Grantham Canal would not have progressed as far as it has done today, were it not for the many thousands of volunteer hours, not to mention expertise, put in by the Waterway Recovery Group!


Grantham Rotary have supported the Society with donations over many years, which have helped in the restoration of the canal.
