Wild Animals in Distress
Volunteers of the Grantham Canal Society do not have the resources or the knowledge to attend to wild animals in distress.
We suggest you contact one of the following:
Yorkshire Swan and Wildlife Rescue (may travel to our area to collect the injured animal): Wildlife Rescue Tel: 07763424892
Hedgehog Welfare (Foston) NG31 0AG Tel: 07940 714830 Telephone before travelling. Email: admin@hedgehogwelfare.org.uk
RSPCA: Tel: 0300 1234 999
Birds of prey in the Grantham Area: Malcolm Robbins 07734 845 288
Pigeon Rescue around the Grantham Area (Sarah can often help with other birds too): Pigeon Rescue Facebook Page
Linjoy Wildlife Rescue: Linjoy Wildlife Rescue
Raptor Rescue (Nationwide): Raptor Rescue
Lots of information about how to help injured wildlife, including a list of rescue centres: Help Wildlife
Dead swans need to be reported to the Canal and River Trust (when found on the canal), as these are notifiable to DEFRA: enquiries.eastmidlands@canalrivertrust.org.uk